icaoberg/Walter Mercado Remembered

Created Fri, 08 Nov 2019 18:46:19 -0500 Modified Fri, 08 Nov 2019 18:46:19 -0500

I still can’t be believe Walter Mercado is gone. I am not naive, death is part of life. However there are certain characters in our lives that seem inmortal. He was one of such people. Actor. Astrologer. PonceƱo.

What I do remember from Walter Mercado was the silence that would be envelop our home when he came on air. His suggestions seemed weird, but doable. However all of his suggestions had the same message: life could be better.

He was positive you know, always positive.

P.S. Wherever you are Walter, I hope you are gossiping with all our grandmas. Mucha paz… y mucho amor :smile: